Online Giving

UMCHP Events

Sunday Worship
Prayer & Bible Study @ Eveready
Mah Jong

Live/Rec. Streaming

Sunday, 10 AM, YouTube Live Stream Link:

Click here: Worship UMCHP YouTube Channel

2020 03 14 06h40 12

 The service is always recorded on YouTube and can be viewed usually on Mondays following the service. The delay is due to YouTube's copyright enforcement. Just click on the above link to go to a library of our services.


We need your voice!
I am trying to get a read on the congregation's worship preferences as we enter into the summer. While the research shows that churches who change hours during the summer both lose momentum, especially when diverse services are blended, and drop in attendance, I wanted to get feedback from as large a cross section of the congregation as possible on this important matter. The Worship Committee did an informal survey and has submitted its results, but I thought it best to poll the whole congregation. I spoke with both the Church Council chairperson and the chairperson of Worship and we all feel that we need to allow everyone a chance to have input before I made the decision for the summer worship schedule. So, let your voice be heard. Please take a moment to fill out the form below. Note that I will not be seeing the replies. The responses will be sent to the Worship and Council chairpersons directly, who will let me know the results of this poll.
Below is a survey form. There will be paper surveys available in all three church services over the next two Sundays (April 26th and May 3rd). All the forms will need to have names attached to them to ensure that there are no mistaken double entries. Forms without names will not be counted. Paper forms may be turned in through the offering plates on Sunday morning and will be given to Carole Pickering for incorporation into the final results. 

I will send out an email during the week of May 3rd with the final worship schedule for the summer. Thank you.

Yours in Christ,
